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Carolina Alvarez

Rainforest Alliance

Program Coordinator of Youth Leadership in ACOFOP

A community needs people that give back and serve those around them and that is exactly who Carolina Alvardo is. Carolina works as a youth program coordinator inside the Maya Biosphere Reserve. She has spent a good part of her life helping in the concession process, having grown up in Uaxactún. “I have been in the organization since I was 18 and have participated on the board of directors. I have been a coordinator of programs inside the community, so basically my entire work life aside from my studies I have been involved in the concession process.”

"From the moment I started my job, when I came into the office, and I began to connect with the people, I fell in love with it. I liked it so much that I did not pay attention to the work hours, I work Sunday, listen to people’s needs at 7, 8 at night because to serve the public you do it. To serve the people of the community, you do it.”



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