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Jose Roman

Rainforest Alliance

Director of Programs in Latin America: Rainforest Alliance

Growing up in the Petén area of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, José would walk up to 5km a day through the forests where he would see jaguars, monkeys, and birds on his way to school which made him fall in love with conservation. José’s passion eventually led him to Louisiana State University where he received his bachelor’s degree in forestry.

“Deforestation is almost zero since the implementation of concessions. Very little forest fires in the last 20 years. Employees are paid very well, better than other places. The best example to date.”

Over the last 30 years, José has worked in many different capacities related to forest management and has been one of the stakeholders most responsible for the development of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, as well as the lead point man for forest concessions. In 1990, José was hired in his current role at Rainforest Alliance where he works all over Latin America to oversee concession activities in the many different reserves in the countries of that area. José feels very fortunate to be where he is at because of the many opportunities he gets to make a difference for the community he loves.



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