Xate (pronounced SHA-tay) are leaves produced from the Chamaedorea genus tree. The heart-shaped or fish-tail lush leaves are commonly found in Guatemala's rainforest. Leaves of Xate palm are commonly used in the international floral trade for floral arrangements which stay fresh and green for up to 45 days without losing their luster.
Many people gather the xate leaves for sale to the international floral industry.
These individuals, known as xateros, have learned how to properly harvest the xate sustainably and to cut only the quality leaves and leave more on the palm for it to regenerate faster. Xate export has become their main source of income and livelihood. Women make up the majority of workers in xate production and are mainly responsible for selecting and packaging the product for export.
“The work is voluntary in that we don’t have a contract, but most of us come to work because we like the job. I, for example, never miss work.” Sofia Maritza Hernandez, Carmelita village.